IGOTHIREDATSTARBUCKSINBARNES&NOBLE! So there's that, and I had orientation today. It was boring to say the least (5 hours on selling books and I work in the cafe - awesome), but soon I'll be whipping up yummy coffee creations and telling you what's best to get from the pastry bar. Yay! Also I wore this today.
Headband/scarf: thrifted (it's the same one from all the other outfits.)
Top: Forever21
Jeggings: Forever21
Shoes: Target!
So yes, I bought a pair jeggings. But before you think hateful things, you should know that they are unbelievably great. I want 300 pair. They are so comfy and they go with e-ver-ything. And those shoes are the best thing I've bought from target, maybe ever. Ican'tstopwearingthem. I've worn them almost every day since I purchased them. The balloons are in celebration of getting a job. woo!